Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello Friends!!!
    As some of you already know...I have a 3 year old with Autism. I've heard all kinds of crazy rumors about the cause of Autism, as I'm sure you have too. I've been going over all the studies that have been recently finished as of last month....and I came across some useful info....atleast I thought it was useful. Vaccines are not a factor in the cause of Autism. I've heard stories about how vaccines can cause Autism, so naturally I've been on the fence regarding vaccines. As a matter of fact, I've been taking my time getting my 2 year old daughter vaccinated for fear that she too might become Autistic like her brother.
     I'm releived that this study had found no connection between the two. I'm posting the pic of the article I found in Womans World.....confirming what I read,

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