Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Bond between Sisters!!

If you have a sister, as I do, then you know that the bond cannot be broken very easily. I love my sister, and although we have had our fair share of disputes and disagreements...I could never turn my back on her. I'm there for her and always will be. She aggravates me to no end...but here I still am....and here I will always be. The picture above is of our family....minus the kids. The two beauties to the right of the pic are of me and my sister. She has the white t-shirt on, I have the gray. The a**hole across from her is an idiot named Mike who she is currently dating. I am posting this publicly because I want to warn other women that he will soon be single and to WATCH OUT for him. He likes to bully the women he dates...and doesn't mind one bit to live off of other included. I detest this man with a passion I have never known...and I'm sorry Alicia....but he isn't a good looking man. He's quite ugly actually. The meal we are eating, coincidentally, was paid for by my Father...I left the tip. Naturally....he left with a stomach full. He doesn't 'ALLOW' my sister to spend any alone time with me at all. We have to lie and sneak around...which I hate!!!! I told my sister yesterday that our grocery shopping trip was the last straw! He did not need to join us....but he did...and he followed us around from one aisle to the next. I completely ignored him...and I found out today that he took that out on my sister too.
    I am so completely devastated by this man's behavior towards my little sister. It kills me to see her so sad all of the time. Alicia and I "snuck" out this morning and went and hung out. I had a heart to heart with her and begged her to please come and stay with me...and I think I got through to her. She is supposed to come and stay with me tonight. I can only pray that she really does. I want so bad to hurt this man...or No, he's not a man...he's a little boy.  he's mommy's little baby boy who tries to act like a big bad man!!! It's funny almost.
    So, anyway, To all the single women out there...look out!!!  Stay away from this boy!!!!

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