Saturday, April 30, 2011

Strange but True...Ways to cut Cancer

ASPIRIN lowers Cancer risk. How? Regularly taking 75mg. of aspirin reduces the risk of many cancers (including colon and prostate) by as much as 34% in people over 40, a new study reveals!!

GREEN TEA cuts Cancer risk by as much as 40% reveals a study of more than 40,000 adults.
                        Study proven Dose: 5 or more cups daily of the fresh brew

BLACK or OOLONG TEA can cut your Cancer risk as well. According to Swedish research, black,oolong,and green tea can cut your Cancer risk as much as 46% if drank daily. 

                       Why? Tea's polyphenols get the credit, says Daniel Cosgrove, M.D.,of California's WellMax Center for Preventative Medicine. He says that these antioxidants mop up ovary-damaging free radicals, plus they help block the formation and spread of cancerous cells.

Harvard Scientists say eating 4 carrot sticks a day  could cut yourrisk of ovarian Cancer in half. Carrots contain hundreds of carotenoids, and these antioxidants destroy ovary-damaging environmental pollutants

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