Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Am I Doing...And...Why?

Welcome to my Blog and thank you for visiting. I am very excited to get started, so let me start by Introducing myself. My name Is Erica Goodin and for the past 19 years I have been researching and investigating studies that have been, and are being done at Colleges/Universities..and Independantly.
 There isn't one area of interest that I research, However, Health, Beauty, and Fitness are my main areas of expertise. I enjoy finding alternatives to the expensive products/treatments on the market today.
 Although I have particular areas of interest...I will post anything that I find informative and beneficial to my readers/followers.
 I sincerely hope that you will visit my blog every day. I will be updating it atleast once a day..if not more.
 So, If you are interested in making healthy choices (that you can live with) and finding new and fun ways to make life happier (Emotionally & Physically) I suggest that you return here as much as possible. If you have any questions...Please feel free to post them, as I will be reading all posts, questions, and comments.
 Thank you once again and please visit us again....

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