Friday, April 29, 2011

Premature Aging from stress....and a couple proven fixes

As silly as it may sound, you can reclaim a part of your youth bt dancing! That's right...DANCING!!
   Stress causes wrinkles and gray hair, making u look years older than u really are.
   Why? It shortens your telomeres...which are the tiny strips of genetic material on the ends of your cells. Luckily for most of us, lengthening your telomeres is as easy as doing a 10 minute daily burst of activity...such as DANCING. Of course, if you don't like to dance, then you can climb stairs or anything else that gets your heart pumping reveals this study.
   DANCING'S secret power: Any kind of exercise -even short spurts- blunts the effects of stress!!
   Add 10 years by popping this: Women who take a multivitamin have longer telomeres, indicating they're biologically 10 years younger than women who skip them.

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