Saturday, April 30, 2011

Strange but True...Ways to cut Cancer

ASPIRIN lowers Cancer risk. How? Regularly taking 75mg. of aspirin reduces the risk of many cancers (including colon and prostate) by as much as 34% in people over 40, a new study reveals!!

GREEN TEA cuts Cancer risk by as much as 40% reveals a study of more than 40,000 adults.
                        Study proven Dose: 5 or more cups daily of the fresh brew

BLACK or OOLONG TEA can cut your Cancer risk as well. According to Swedish research, black,oolong,and green tea can cut your Cancer risk as much as 46% if drank daily. 

                       Why? Tea's polyphenols get the credit, says Daniel Cosgrove, M.D.,of California's WellMax Center for Preventative Medicine. He says that these antioxidants mop up ovary-damaging free radicals, plus they help block the formation and spread of cancerous cells.

Harvard Scientists say eating 4 carrot sticks a day  could cut yourrisk of ovarian Cancer in half. Carrots contain hundreds of carotenoids, and these antioxidants destroy ovary-damaging environmental pollutants

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Olive Oil That Keeps You Young...For real? Yes!!

   Everyone has heard of the wonders of Olive Oil, and the good old folks in Tuscany use the healthiest version of all: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, which contains Oleic acid, a compound that blocks a key gene linked to cancer.
   It also has the greatest amount of nutrients and fatty acids. In fact, one Italian study found women who consumed Extra Virgin Olive Oil had markedly lower rates of age related cell damage than their non-olive oil counterparts, and were even 30% healthier than women who consumed regular olive oil!

   Makes you think!!

**Tips to buying Olive Oil:

(1) Choose a small bottle made of tinted glass- Small bottle limits oxygen that enters as u pour.
                                                                            Tinted glass filters UV light
      ( these are 2 ways to slow the oxidation process that triggers the deterioration of healthy

(2) Store Olive Oil in cabinet where the temp. is between 68 and 77 degrees F

Premature Aging from stress....and a couple proven fixes

As silly as it may sound, you can reclaim a part of your youth bt dancing! That's right...DANCING!!
   Stress causes wrinkles and gray hair, making u look years older than u really are.
   Why? It shortens your telomeres...which are the tiny strips of genetic material on the ends of your cells. Luckily for most of us, lengthening your telomeres is as easy as doing a 10 minute daily burst of activity...such as DANCING. Of course, if you don't like to dance, then you can climb stairs or anything else that gets your heart pumping reveals this study.
   DANCING'S secret power: Any kind of exercise -even short spurts- blunts the effects of stress!!
   Add 10 years by popping this: Women who take a multivitamin have longer telomeres, indicating they're biologically 10 years younger than women who skip them.

NASA's Energy Enhancing Trick

   NASA Scientists swear by it! In their study, Military pilots and Astronauts who took a 40 minute nap increased their energy by an AMAZING 100% and improved their performance on high level tasks by 34%!! What's more? The benefits take effect immediately upon waking and last for several hours.
   Why? Closing your eyes gives the brain a chance to organize new information, sorting out the unnecessary bits from the important details. When u wake up...the clutter is cleared, so to speak, and your mind feels fresh and rejuvenated!!

Can't fit in 40 minutes of shut eye? Studies show that even as little as 10 minutes spent sitting quietly with your eyes closed  is enough to help replenish brain function so you feel a refreshing difference in thinking.  Cool huh?

Energy Boosting Sunlight...Sunlight, Sunlight!!

Listen to this:
   In another study early last year..Employees given desks near windows worked more quickly and lasted longer without needing a break.  Why..You ask? Well, exposure to sunlight activates the hypothalamus, the brains "control switch" for wakefulness. Plus, a study done at the University of Alabama concluded that the more sunlight you soak up, the more you activate the brain area responsible for suppressing the sleep inducing hormone..melatonin.

   ALTERNATIVE: If u aren't able to get more sunshine during the day, try using a lamp with a full spectrum daylight bulb to enjoy an awakening brain benefit. One to try: Ecolume Full Spectrum Compact Flourescent, $19.95 at

** Interesting Tid Bit: A recent Independant study of college students found that those who took a test near a window scored 20% higher than those sitting away from natural light.

Get Your Energy Fix

Kick start your focus by drinking more H2O!
   Downing a glass of water will dramatically increase alertness, attention span, and concentration within an hour... British Neuroscientists found!  Even more interesting, people who drank 40oz. of water before performing an attention test did 30% better compared to those who didn't drink water..This according to the Journal of Appetite.
   Scientists say that mild dehydration-even shorting yourself by 2%, or 1.3oz. of the recommended 64oz. daily - hinders the flow of energizing oxygen to cells throughout the brain and body....leaving you feeling groggy.

Kids Benefit Too!!
   In a recent study, Children- who are more prone to dehydration than adults- given just 1 cup of water before visual and memory tests scored better and had longer attention spans.
   Afetr reading this, I made sure to have my children drink a cup of water before school...especially during the CAT testing this week.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tricks for EASY Energy:
                                        This is kind of silly...but very TRUE. UCLA researchers found that the combination of the crunch,salt, and vinegar of pickles wakes up your senses  and boosts brain function in 60 seconds.
                                        Not only that, but Beef Jerky is a source of concentrated protein, which almost instantly increases brain levels of the ENERGY-lifting neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine.
                                        If you don't like either one of the above..then here's another tip: Rubbing the webbed area between your toes can amp energy levels by 50% for up to 2 hours!! Research shows the area contains important acupressure points that increase blood flow to the brain...Interesting, don't you think?

What Am I Doing...And...Why?

Welcome to my Blog and thank you for visiting. I am very excited to get started, so let me start by Introducing myself. My name Is Erica Goodin and for the past 19 years I have been researching and investigating studies that have been, and are being done at Colleges/Universities..and Independantly.
 There isn't one area of interest that I research, However, Health, Beauty, and Fitness are my main areas of expertise. I enjoy finding alternatives to the expensive products/treatments on the market today.
 Although I have particular areas of interest...I will post anything that I find informative and beneficial to my readers/followers.
 I sincerely hope that you will visit my blog every day. I will be updating it atleast once a day..if not more.
 So, If you are interested in making healthy choices (that you can live with) and finding new and fun ways to make life happier (Emotionally & Physically) I suggest that you return here as much as possible. If you have any questions...Please feel free to post them, as I will be reading all posts, questions, and comments.
 Thank you once again and please visit us again....