Monday, June 20, 2011

Tribute to a Wonderful Father!!

    I have not just a great Dad....but a cool Dad! Ok, maybe not so cool when I was a kid....but as a grown up...I see my Dad a little differently. I can actually tell him things I would have never told him when I was 10. I really like that!
    My Dad came into my life when I was about 3. He adopted me when I was about 6....and gave me a sister too. I have to say that I can't think of a single time that my Father has treated me second best to his biological daughter. He decided that when he adopted me that I would not just legally become his daughter....but rather I BECAME his daughter 100%. I see alot of men nowadays adopting their wives children from a previous marriage...and not because they truly love these kids...but because they are a "package deal" so to speak. It's sad! I was blessed to get a real Dad....and I wouldn't dream of ever calling him anything else besides Dad. Bruce doesn't naturally trip off my tongue for some reason. By the way, Bruce is his name.
    My Dad has had his fair share of bad times...yet he always seems to emerge with a smile. I love this man with all my heart...and am soooo blessed to have him. He doesn't live very close to I can't run to him with all my problems....but I hope to one day bridge the distance a little. If I ever have to take care of my Dad...I'll move him in with me. I would be honored to take care of him. He took care of me and he didn't have to. I recently found out that my Dad actually paid off my biological Father to get me. I met my biological father a couple times....and I guess he forgot to mention that. I often wonder how he spent that money.... I wonder if my Dad thinks it was the best money he ever spent? I'm betting that he does...because that's the kind of guy he is.
    Happy Fathers Day Dad!!  I love you so much and I hope that you know you have been a huge inspiration to me....with everything that you have overcome. You could be sitting there collecting disability doing nothing much....but you still get up every day and go to work.....Good for you dad...and you deserve a happy and peaceful retirement, which I hope you will get one day when it's your time.
    I will always stand beside you no matter what....and if there is anything that I can ever do for you....I will do it. You're the greatest Dad and I hope you know how much you are loved by me..... I Love You!!!!  Below is a recent picture of me and my Dad...Bruce O. Meyers
                                                          Your Daughter...Erica Meyers Goodin

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