Sunday, March 4, 2012

"I Love Both Men"

When you get married...exactly WHEN does your husband start showing his real self? I mean...I can honestly say that my husband is NOT the man I married. Don't get me wrong, I still love him, and, I'm still in love with him,but like I said..he's a different man now.
I remember when we were dating....oh, he was so nice to me. He made sure I was happy. If I wanted something from the store...he left immediately to get it. If I wanted to eat somewhere...he took me. If I asked him to fix or hang up something....then he did it..immediately. The sex...the amazing sex. He wanted it 3 or 4 times a day. I even remember thinking to myself.."Gosh, I hope he won't always want it that much." Well, I jinxed myself. It went from 3 or 4 times a day to 3 or 4 times a month to 3 or 4 times every 6 months...etcetera,etcertera. To be fair to him though...he had a testosterone problem. His was extremely low. Still though, you don't have to have sex to be intimate. A kiss would have been nice every once in awhile. The last time we really kissed was about a month ago...his testosterone had an upwards spike for a couple of days and it was a really nice couple of days.
I believe that a husband and wife have to make time for eachother. They absolutely have to do that.
Women...listen to me....When you are making dinner and you ask your husband to run out and get some pepsi...and he says.."I'll just have milk" and you say.."Well I want pepsi" and he doesn't get up and go get it...The honeymoon is over and you are meeting your husband for the first time.... I met mine about 5 years ago...and I want the other one back...the one that would do anything for me...Where the hell did that man go? Every once in a while..I catch a glimpse of him. Usually it happens after we've had an argument and he sees that I'm especially upset. Mind you, the argument has to be somewhat serious in order for  me to reunite with the man I married.
I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about my marriage. I am definitely with the man I was destined for. I know in my heart we are meant to be. He is a good man. He gets down on the floor and plays with our children, he makes sure to tell me he loves me before he goes to work and before we fall asleep, he changed diapers,warms up the car for me and (occasionally) he does the dishes. 
There are great attributes to both of the men I'm married to. The first was out to impress me and only showed his good side. The other is the man I'm comfortable peeing in front of. He's familiar and I know what to expect from him. And, he is just as comfortable with me.
So, in closing with my thoughts, I guess what I'm really saying is...."I love both men" I love the man he was and the man he is...I'd just like to see the first one more often. :)

Having a REAL bad hair day!!

This is what my daughter looks like after I have fixed her hair and she has tore it down...NICE!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

She's leaving me!!!

    My little sister is moving 10 hours away from me....and I'm miserable over it. I wish she would stay with me. I know that things are going to be alot better for her when she moves....but still...I'm so sad. I can't call her and ask her if she wants to do lunch...or go grocery shopping....or just a visit for no reason....That's all I have to say about this right now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Chaos can do to a perfectly Great Day!!!

     I got up around 7a.m. as usual...with my baby Riley...She's usually the first up every morning so I made her oatmeal with honey and flax seed and some mashed up banannas. I usually run my 2.2 miles around 10a.m. but my sister and I were hosting a Summer Brunch  at 2p.m. so I decided to go running early. My niece has been staying with me since school let out (about 3 1/2 weeks) and she had been running every day with me. I woke her up and we did our run. When I got back...I jumped in the shower and got dressed. A couple girlfriends of mine were coming over around 10 to help me get everything ready for my Brunch.
    After my friends arrived things started getting done. We set up 1 big table in our backyard to put all the food and drinks on. Anne, one of my Besties, brought over some really cute table cloths to put over the tables we had borrowed from the fire dept. We set up 2 smaller tables with chairs all around for everyone to sit around. We had invited 23 people....not including children. We filled over 400 water balloons for all the kids to play with and set out sidewalk chalk and crayons and coloring books.
    Well, around 1:00p.m. I started brunch. I had already made the dough for the biscuits earlier in the day and I had cut the biscuits out with a glass. I had everything planned and ready to go...but.....Murphy's Law...huh? I hear my friend say, "Erica, I think one of the babies needs their diaper changed." About that time..I smelled did everyone else too. I found the 3 yr.old Autistic son, Micah.Actually...I smelled him before I saw him, but when I saw him, I nearly flipped. He was covered with poop...Head to Toe!! I grabbed him and took him to the bathroom, where I stripped him and gave him a bath. After, I dried and dressed him...then took him into the playroom. When I returned to the kitchen to finish up, my niece, Audrey comes in and says that there is poop all over the kitchen chairs and table. I go into the dining room and sure enough there is poop all over the top of the table and on 2 of my chairs. I had to have my friends take over in the kitchen while I cleaned crap up all over the dining room. It was ground into the carpet...and n all the crevices of my chairs. It took me a good 20 minutes to clean it all up...When I finished...I had to return to the kitchen and finish brunch.
    I had partially frozen OJ,Coke, and Mtn.Dew for the drinks. The last thing I had to do was make the chocolate gravy and regular sausage I finished up with that  and just about that time the last of our guests arrived. 17 of the 23 guests showed up....but with all the kids...we ended up with 36 mouths to feed. Even though it was alot of work...we had a blast and Alicia and I have decided to start an annual Summer Brunch. We're gonna do it every year around the first day of summer. This year the first day of summer starts June 21st...We had it 1 day early because of conflicting schedules and Micah's Occupational therapy.
    On a more somber note....After our brunch was over.....there wasn't too many "friends" that stayed to help clean up...Haha. Actually, the same people that came over early to help set up....stayed to clean, I can't complain...My niece helped out I had about 5 people helping me clean up, and that was more than enough. I know I say it alot, but I really do have some of the greatest friends ever, and I thank God for them every night...without them, my kids wouldn't have much of an extended family. These people treat us like we've always been a part of their families. They never forget my kids birthdays, X-mas,Easter, school and sports functions, etc. They are good people...much better than the family I come from. ie: Most of my DNA family haven't even met my last 2 children. God made sure that I wouldn't do without and he has sent me the greatest family possible!! Every day is a GREAT day when I'm with my family!!  I love you all....and sissy...I'm so glad that you and I are close again....maybe even closer than we ever have been. I have sooooooooooooo much to be thankful for!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tribute to a Wonderful Father!!

    I have not just a great Dad....but a cool Dad! Ok, maybe not so cool when I was a kid....but as a grown up...I see my Dad a little differently. I can actually tell him things I would have never told him when I was 10. I really like that!
    My Dad came into my life when I was about 3. He adopted me when I was about 6....and gave me a sister too. I have to say that I can't think of a single time that my Father has treated me second best to his biological daughter. He decided that when he adopted me that I would not just legally become his daughter....but rather I BECAME his daughter 100%. I see alot of men nowadays adopting their wives children from a previous marriage...and not because they truly love these kids...but because they are a "package deal" so to speak. It's sad! I was blessed to get a real Dad....and I wouldn't dream of ever calling him anything else besides Dad. Bruce doesn't naturally trip off my tongue for some reason. By the way, Bruce is his name.
    My Dad has had his fair share of bad times...yet he always seems to emerge with a smile. I love this man with all my heart...and am soooo blessed to have him. He doesn't live very close to I can't run to him with all my problems....but I hope to one day bridge the distance a little. If I ever have to take care of my Dad...I'll move him in with me. I would be honored to take care of him. He took care of me and he didn't have to. I recently found out that my Dad actually paid off my biological Father to get me. I met my biological father a couple times....and I guess he forgot to mention that. I often wonder how he spent that money.... I wonder if my Dad thinks it was the best money he ever spent? I'm betting that he does...because that's the kind of guy he is.
    Happy Fathers Day Dad!!  I love you so much and I hope that you know you have been a huge inspiration to me....with everything that you have overcome. You could be sitting there collecting disability doing nothing much....but you still get up every day and go to work.....Good for you dad...and you deserve a happy and peaceful retirement, which I hope you will get one day when it's your time.
    I will always stand beside you no matter what....and if there is anything that I can ever do for you....I will do it. You're the greatest Dad and I hope you know how much you are loved by me..... I Love You!!!!  Below is a recent picture of me and my Dad...Bruce O. Meyers
                                                          Your Daughter...Erica Meyers Goodin

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Droopy Diapers and Soured Milk: What is going on with my daughter?

Droopy Diapers and Soured Milk: What is going on with my daughter?: " I LOVE LOVE LOVE my baby girl....but if I were to be really and brutally honest with myself....I would have to admit that she runs my li..."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What is going on with my daughter?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my baby girl....but if I were to be really and brutally honest with myself....I would have to admit that she runs my life...not the other way around. I can't go pee without her tagging along. When I go out for my daily jog, whether it be with my niece or my friends, she throws her best tantrum possible. When she sees me putting on my joggiing outfit...she has actually went to the trouble of hiding my tennis shoes. Luckily, for me, I have a few pair of running shoes. By the time I get back to her...she has cried a river and has a completely red face and swollen lips. I feel so guilty. Everyone tells me that I deserve a break from her and that I need these running breaks...but I'm not so sure about that. I honestly feel like I'm traumatizing my girl. I've even resorted to taking her with me in the evenin in the worldg. She loves it when I take her running. I put her in her stroller and instead of running my usual 2.2 miles down 770... I opt for the 1.7 miles around the Amy North subdivision. I don't really enjoy that run as much since pushing her slows me down considerably.
    What is a mother to do? I don't want her to think that there is anything in this world more important to me than her and her brothers. I also don't want to end up in the psych ward from a nervous breakdown...which is where any mother will end up if she doesn't spend time outside of her home without her children. For the Love of God....I take my daughter to Salon 23 when I have my hair done.. I've got to start taking better care of my social life. I've got some of the greatest friends anyone could ever hope to have! I don't mean just friends that remember my birthday...I mean friends that not only remember my birthday...but that throw me birthday parties...and remember my kids birthdays'...and remember the anniversary of my 9 yr.old sons death..and his birthday too. Since my son passed away.....Every year on his birthday my girls get together and come to my house bearing food and candy. They don't let me cook and they kind of take over my family and let me go to the cemetary to visit. I Love these girls...I went to high school with just one of these girls. The others I met through working....and one is the ex girlfriend of my brother in law. I can't even begin to express how blessed I feel to have these girls in my life. Thank you Lord for my Family and Friends...without them....I wouldn't know what to do!!